Inner Space Design is a term I coined after years of developing my own style in the field of Feng Shui and space analysis. I connect the techniques of traditional Feng Shui with contemporary aspects such as building biology, color psychology, space analysis, design and art.
Feng Shui is the 3,000-year-old Chinese art of perfectly arranging your living space so that it provides maximum support and pleasure. It translates between your personality, the architecture and your interior.
The ancient wisdom of Feng Shui is seamlessly interwoven with the deep understanding of space psychology specifically tailored to Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPers). I offer programs in which I guide HSPers in particular to transform their home into a healing oasis.
Feng Shui is a philosophy that resonates deeply with the complexity of our emotional and spiritual well-being. By harmonizing the elements within our environment, we create a sanctuary of tranquility, allowing our souls to thrive amid the chaos of modern life.
“I am helping my clients to create a home from their house. I do not think your house needs to look like the cover of a magazine. What matters is that your home is a reflection of YOU, who you are, what you want in life and how you like to feel. I want your house to make you happy. Help you create a home that you love and that makes you smile every day. That your home is a welcoming place where you, your family and your friends feel happy. Together we will make this happen for you!. - Lioba”
Especially for HSPs, sensitivity to environmental stimuli has been increased, making the need for a harmonious space even more essential. As an HSPer myself, I understand the unique needs of other HSPers and use the principles of Feng Shui to create environments that nurture and support their sensitive nature. From soothing color schemes to strategic furniture placement, every aspect of my designs is carefully curated to promote a sense of peace and serenity.
But my offer goes further than just Feng Shui. For those seeking additional support, as a certified and registered homeopath I offer the opportunity to integrate homeopathy into the process. Homeopathy, a holistic healing system that treats the individual as a whole, can complement the principles of Feng Shui by addressing imbalances at a deeper energetic level.
Whether you want to transform your home into an oasis of tranquility or are looking for holistic solutions to support your sensitive nature, I am ready to guide you on your journey to inner peace and harmony.
This part of the process falls under 'homeopathy' and, provided you have additional insurance for alternative medicine, can be reimbursed by your health insurance.
After an Inner Space design process you will feel more balanced in your home and therefore also with yourself. This will bring new possibilities to your path, allow you to radiate more harmony and attract new situations and people. Each session responds to your personal situation, what is going on for you at that moment and what you would most like to improve.
People often experience this process as a turning point in their lives, whereby redecorating the space and adapting the space to a new situation, their lives gain momentum.
"The best time to plan a book is while you're doing the dishes." Agatha Christie
We live in a time when the gap between rich and poor is widening. Most of us live in a plethora of which billions of people can only dream about. Our dilemma is that we dont often have too little but too much.
When I come into a home the first thing I notice is the overall energy: does this house drain or nurture? Is the energy vibrant or stagnant - or somewhere in between? Where are the spots that feel weak and dull? Where does clutter accumulate?
Physical clutter creates mental clutter and thus create blockages in all aspects of life. Some typical symptoms are:
little energy
depression (everything seems "gray", you feel indifferent)
feeling stuck, not to come
lack of mental clarity and inspiration
It is often difficult to determine which things add value to your life and which actually form a burden. The idea that we may need certain things someday generally keeps us from getting rid of them. The bad news: hiding them in cupboards, basements or gazebo’s doesn’t help either (sorry!)! Our subconscious knows that the clutter has just moved but still stays in our energetic field and therefore keeps draining us.
The good news: clearing your clutter has a liberating effect and is actually fun! Freeing yourself from unnecessary ballast will lead you to experiencing an inner freedom and a surplus of energy! Many of my clients have a history of illness, depression or chronic fatigue (CFS) and by the 'simple' clearing process they suddenly experienced a huge relief. They often report the sensation that their life begins to flow again and new experiences and insights suddenly come on their path. Everyone so far has mentioned the great amount of energy and joy that has been set free through this process.
If you have trouble letting go it is sometimes useful to have a reliable and professional person to support you during the process. Discretion and respect are of great importance since letting go of part of your history can be a very private and vulnerable process. It is quite normal during this process that intense emotions can come up. This can sometimes be confusing and it can help to have someone who accompanies you and offers support.
Clearing out clutter and getting organised is a highly individual process which can take one day of intense work for some and weeks or months of letting go step-by-step for others.
I offer different formats of clutter clearing sessions to meet all needs. From one-day ‘get-it’over-and-done-with’ sessions to one session a week over a period of the time, depending on your individual needs.
Of all the human senses of sight is the most prominent. About 83 % of all impressions our brains process come in via our eyes. (In comparison, only 11 % of all impressions will record through the ear and only 3.5% through our nose.) So it is not surprising that colours play such an important role in our living and working environment for they have a direct effect on our central nervous system and our moods!
In Feng Shui we work with the 5 Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. Together with the taijitu (the Yin and Yang symbol) and the 8 trigrams they form the essence of the classical Feng Shui philosophy (more about the 5 Elements see below!). Each Element is represented by a different color which in return has specific effects on us and on our home. Based on your personal birth Element and 5 Element profile you can chose those colours that will nourish you and avoid the colours that may weaken you.
If there is disharmony between the 5 Elements than a missing Element can be applied or an overwhelming Element diminished. Having a background in fine arts I am very meticulous when it comes to colours! I am happy to help you finding the right colour combination for every part of your house by making mood boards and help you choosing the right shades that match your furniture, the sector of the house and - of course! - you!
Please contact me for more information on +31 (0)6 24802689 or via email: